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Austin Periodontal Associates                             
7800 Mopac, Suite 310                                         
Austin, TX 78759

Phone: (512) 346-6097


Regular Office Hours:

  • Monday 7 am to 3 pm

  • Tuesday 7 am to 3 pm

  • Wednesday 7 am to 3 pm

  • Thursday 7 am to 3 pm

  • Friday By appointment only

7800 N Mopac Expy, Suite 310
Austin, TX, 78759
United States

(512) 346-6097

Board Certified Periodontists, Dr. Daniel O'Dell and Dr. Kyle Smith, offer procedures in periodontics and dental implants using the most up-to-date technology possible. Their office in Austin, TX is dedicated to providing the highest level of periodontal care.

About Periodontal Disease

About Periodontal Disease

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, affecting 3 out of 4 people at some point in life. It can be treated successfully, if detected in time. Treating and preventing gum disease brings great health benefits. By retaining your natural teeth, you can chew more comfortably and enjoy better digestion. You can have a healthy smile, a natural asset to your appearance. You can save money and avoid discomfort by preventing future dental problems.

Periodontal disease affects the gums and supporting tissue of your teeth. In gingivitis, the early stages of periodontal disease, gum tissue may become red, swollen, and bleed easily. Periodontal disease is a more advanced stage where bone and tissues supporting the teeth are destroyed. Pockets filled with infection form around the teeth. As the disease progresses, teeth become loose and may eventually fall out or require extraction.

Signs of periodontal disease include red, bleeding, tender or swollen gums, persistent bad breath, gums pulling away from the teeth, loose or separating teeth, and changes in the way the teeth fit together.

Medical Consequences of Periodontal Disease
More importantly, research has associated periodontal infection to several serious medical problems including heart disease, diabetes and stroke. As ongoing research continues to define how periodontal disease is associated with these and other health problems, good oral health is essential. Good periodontal health is a key component of a healthy body.

How Does An "Ongoing Infection" Work?
When you were a child, did you ever get a bad scrape that got all red and swollen? That was caused by bacteria that got under your skin. The area then became infected and inflamed. It may have lasted for days or weeks, but eventually the inflammation went away. The inflammation disappeared when your immune system conquered the bacteria and the infection healed.

With an ONGOING infection, your immune system never wins the battle and the infection keeps growing and the inflammation never goes away. Periodontal disease is an ongoing infection in the pockets around your teeth. Your immune system is losing the battle, and without treatment, it will get worse.

What Can Cause a "Burst" of Infection Activity?
People with periodontal disease have low resistance to periodontal bacteria. This will cause an ongoing gum infection that grows in "bursts" of activity. Each time it grows, more support for your teeth is lost. Some factors that can cause a "burst" of activity are:

  1. Poor oral hygiene

  2. Dental plaque

  3. Smoking

  4. Genetic factors

  5. Stress or tension

  6. Diet

  7. Age

  8. Illness

Getting Periodontal Infection Treated Right Away
When your infection has a burst of activity, or when there are signs that this is about to occur, your general dentist may recommend you see a periodontist.

Symptoms of Periodontal Infection
Periodontal infection is usually painless until it reaches an advanced stage. However, there are some symptoms which can indicate the presence of periodontal infection.

These include:

  1. Red or swollen gums

  2. Bleeding when brushing (pink toothbrush), or at other times

  3. Aching, itchy, sore or tender gums

  4. Receding gums (teeth beginning to look longer)

  5. Pus between your teeth and gums when you press down on the gums

  6. Bad breath

  7. Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite

  8. Any change in the fit of partial dentures

  9. Loose, separating or protruding teeth

  10. Spaces between teeth

If you notice any of the above warning signs of periodontal infection, please contact your general dentist or periodontist and ask for a periodontal evaluation.

Important Note: 
Your gums can look and feel quite normal and yet deep pockets of periodontal infection can still be present. To be certain about any periodontal disease, ask your dentist or periodontist to examine your gums for signs of infection.

Who is a Periodontist? 
A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. A periodontist also plans, places and maintains dental implants. Periodontists receive extensive training in these areas, including 3 additional years of education beyond dental school. Periodontics is one of the 8 specialties recognized by the American Dental Association.

Periodontists also provide other treatments, such as crown lengthening, soft tissue grafting, and cosmetic procedures (see the Procedures section for more information).

For More Information on Periodontal Disease: